Very Important Update! We have CHANGED our Confetti Flower Field Open Dates for 2019.
So we will now be open on the following 10 days: Friday 21st June to Sunday 30th June 2019.
We sincerely apologise if this affects any plans you have made and causes you any disappointment.
Farming is always at the mercy of the weather and the elements, and our mild, dry winter, and warm spring have brought forward all our crops. It is very tricky, when working with a natural product, a live crop, and the British seasons, but we believe that the flowers will come earlier than usual this summer and so we have moved the open days to coincide with when we now feel that they will be in full bloom.
Please spread the word amongst your friends and family. Our dedicated web page – Flower Fields – has all the up-to-date information and visiting details.
Our On-site Photographer – Laura Truby – is still available if you are interested in booking a photography session. She can cater for family portraits, engagement photos or beautiful bump pictures, for instance. You should contact Laura directly to check her availability and pricing – email: or call: 07738168968
Please note: There is no access to the flower fields outside of the advertised opening days and times without prior arrangement which is subject to availability. Therefore, please give us a call on 01386 555045 if you have any special requests.

As always, we suggest that you return to our Flower Fields web page before you embark on your journey to see us this summer. That is to say, we’ll keep you regularly updated on the progress of the flowers, and any other important news or updates.
We look forward to seeing you this summer!
With very best wishes,
The Petal People xxx
Confetti Flower Field – #confettifields – 100% Biodegradable Confetti Petals
Written 01/05/2019